0800 MATLEY (0800 628 539)

Non-audit assurance

A non-audit assurance engagement is appropriate where there is the need for assurance type procedures to be performed on a specific business process.

The procedures must be specified at the beginning of our engagement, and the report will present a summary of facts. No opinion is provided, conclusions or assurances must be drawn by the engaging party upon the facts presented.

An example of a non-audit assurance engagement is when a sample of donation receipts are to be tested for completeness and accuracy to the amounts received in the bank account. The sample number would be agreed, and the results of the test be presented in the report of facts. From the report of facts, the engaging party would conclude if they are comfortable with the completeness and accuracy of the refund receipts.

This service is ideal for clients seeking to test a specific process or aspect of their business. 

Please feel free to contact us to discuss if this service may be right for you. 

Matley Audit for Assurance

Matley Audit Limited
131 Victoria Street
Hamilton Central, Hamilton

Monday - Friday 9am to 5pm
Public holidays closed

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