0800 MATLEY (0800 628 539)


A review is a professional engagement in which the reviewer performs procedures designed to enable the reviewer to obtain a limited level of assurance for financial statements.

In a review we will provide a limited assurance opinion which will state whether anything has come to our attention that causes us to believe that the financial statements do not present a true and fair view.

In order to provide a limited assurance opinion, we will primarily use enquiry and analytical review procedures. Such procedures generally don't include procedures to the same extent of an audit, however, the evidence gathered in a review engagement must be sufficient to enable us to provide the required assurance. If we identify anything that warrants further investigation, additional procedures may be performed as determined necessary to obtain the required assurance.

This service is ideal for smaller charities struggling with rising costs and cashflow management which are still required to meet their legislative requirements. This option is only available to charities with annual expenses under $1.1 million.

Please feel free to contact us to discuss if this service may be right for you. 

Matley Audit for Assurance

Matley Audit Limited
131 Victoria Street
Hamilton Central, Hamilton

Monday - Friday 9am to 5pm
Public holidays closed

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